有很多人常常問到,EB1和EB2 / NIW有何不同?我在此就其所包含的類別及其必須具備的要件簡單作說明。 EB1和EB2 /NIW是法案中所規定可經由職業移民(Employment-Based Immigration,我們簡稱EB)取得綠卡的管道之一:EB1指的是第一優先的Priority Worker-其中包含三個類別: (1) 在科學、藝術、教育、商務或運動領域的“傑出人才” (extraordinary ability);(2)傑出研究人員及教授(outstandingresearcher/professor);(3)跨國公司的經理人(multinational executives ormanagers); EB2所指的是第二優先,有二個類別:(1)在科學、藝術或商務的領域有優異才能-即“特殊人才”(exceptional ability)者(2)有碩士學位以上高學歷(advanced degree)的專業人才 通常,外國人經由職業移民途徑取得綠卡的先決要件為在(1) 美國雇主的工作承諾(job offer) (2)且就此工作必需有勞工證。然而,如果符合EB1申請的實質條件,不需要有勞工證(三個類別都不需要有勞工證),即可由受僱之美國雇主提出申請永久居留;而且,如果是符合EB1「在科學、藝術、教育、商務或運動的領域的“傑出人才”」這一個類別,甚至不需要有雇主的工作承諾,自己就可提出永久居留申請。 就EB2而言,美國雇主的工作承諾及勞工證仍是必要的要件,除非申請人可以提出證明其具備優異(特殊)的才能符合美國國家利益(in the national interest),而使BCIS 可以豁免該申請人必須提出勞工證的要求,因此而可省去冗長的勞工認證申請,此即我們所說的“國家利益豁免”(nationalinterest waiver)。NIW申請可自行提出或由美國雇主提出。 簡單說明其類別後,接著我們說明申請人必須具備的實質內涵。 欲依EB1的「在科學、藝術、教育、商務或運動領域的“傑出人才”」此類別申請者,必須證明其專業能力確實是這個領域中的頂尖人物,享有國家級或國際性的聲譽與成就,並會對美國社會的相關發展,提供實質貢獻。申請時須提出專業證明,如曾得過國際性的獎章,來證明傑出能力。假如沒有國際性的獎章,也可以下列所述中提出三項來證明其才能及貢獻: w 曾在其專業領域內獲得夠份量的國際(國內)獎章;w 曾是其本行中專業組織的會員,並且該組織或協會是經過同領域專家所認可的;w 申請人在該行的傑出成就,曾被專業刊物或重要媒體報導過;w 申請人曾對其本行中其他人員之成就擔任過評審工作;w 曾在學術研究、藝術、運動或商業等相關領域有獨到或重大貢獻;w 曾在專業期刊或重要媒體發表過專業學術論文;w 成果曾在藝術展覽會或發表會上展出過;w 曾在聲譽卓著的組織或機構擔任過重要職務;w 申請人之薪資、酬勞或待遇遠高於其他同儕之證明;w 在表演藝術方面曾獲極大的成功,並反映在票房、唱片、錄音帶、CD及錄影帶等商業產品上。 欲依EB1的「傑出研究人員及教授」此類別申請者,至少在其專業學術領域要有三年以上的教學或研究經驗,並具備下列兩項以上:w 曾在學術領域獲傑出成就並獲頒國際性獎章;w 為國際學術機構之會員,而此一機構的入會標準即為傑出專業成就;w 其在學術領域之成就曾獲專業期刊或媒體報導;w 曾針對其他人員之學術成就擔任過評審工作;w 對其學術領域有獨到或重大貢獻;w 曾在專業期刊誌或國際著名刊物上發表過論文等學術著作。 欲依EB1「跨國公司經理人」此類別申請者,該外國人須獲得美國公司永久聘任,而在此之前的三年期間內已為在該美國公司的海外相關企業(母公司,子公司或關聯公司)工作至少一年以上。因為此類別是L-1簽證持有人提出永久居留申請的重要管道之一,兩者間要件多有相似之處,這個類別我在日後說明非移民簽證中的L-1簽證時再一併詳述之。 欲依EB2提出「國家利益豁免」申請者,(此類申請包括碩士以上的高學歷人士或是在科學、工程、生化、環保、醫學、藝術、商業等領域之特殊人才),必須證明其才能符合美國國家利益。怎樣才算符合「國家利益」?申請人必須證明符合下列三個審核標準:w 在工作專業或專門才藝上,有無可取代的超凡技藝或才能;w 其技藝或才能有「國家級」的貢獻;且w 如果申請者必須申辦冗長的勞工證,或將有損美國本身利益。 - by LIWEN CHEN,陳立雯律師 - —————————本文由范毅禹律師事務所提供



CALIFORNIA:Fan & Fitzpatrick, Law Offices260 S. Los Robles Ave Suite 208Pasadena, CA 91101Tel: 626-683-9099 Fax: 626-683-9599

MARYLAND:Fan & Fitzpatrick, Law Offices230 North Washington Street Suite 400Rockville, MD 20850Tel: 301-251-2636 Fax: 301-251-0313

  1. Qualifications of EB1-A “Aliens with Extraordinary Ability “ — Have you Risen to the Very Top of your Endeavor?

    by Victoria Chen, Esq., J.D. 01/20/2011

    Federal regulations define “extraordinary ability “ as a level of expertise indicating the individual is one of a small percentage who has risen to the very top of a particular field in the sciences, arts, education, business, and athletics.

    Why Apply under the Category of EB1-A?
    There are primarily two advantages of applying immigration benefits under the category of EB1-A.

    A. No Labor Certification or Employer Sponsor is Required
    Among the many advantages of the employment-based category EB1-A, first of all, a specific job offer is not required for a foreign person in this group, as long as the foreign person is entering the United States to continue work in the field in which he or she has extraordinary ability. So self-petition is allowed. Moreover, a labor certification not required. Obtaining a labor certification is a long and complicated process. EB1-A application therefore saves an applicant lots of time.

    B. Visas for EB1-A are all Current
    This is the benefit for all first preference employment-based categories. Immigrant visas remain immediately available for all countries in the first employment-based (EB-1) preference category. In its latest projections, the State Department has indicated that it is unlikely that there will be any cut-off dates in the EB-1 preference during the coming months. This makes substantial difference for people born in China or India.

    What is “Very top of the Endeavor “?
    “Extraordinary ability “ is defined as a level of expertise indicating that the foreign person is one of a small percentage who has risen to the very top of the field of endeavor and that the foreign person’s achievements have been recognized in the field of expertise. In addition, the foreign person has sustained national or international acclaim and that the foreign person’s achievements have been recognized in the field of expertise.

    Tips to Define to the Field of Endeavor
    A. Define your Field of Endeavor Narrowly With regard to the requirement that the foreign person represent a “small percentage “ who has risen to the “very of the field of endeavor “, the actual field of endeavor must be defined before determining whether the foreign person has extraordinary ability in that field. It is important to remember that if your field of endeavor is narrowly defined, it is more likely that you will have risen to the top of your field. Take one of our clients as an example. Mr. Li is a PhD student in the program of computer science, focusing his research on terahertz application. As a student, it is difficult to argue that Mr. Li has risen to the very top of the field of terahertz application given that he still needs instruction of his professor. However, Mr. Li had obtained his master’s degree in integrated circuit design and accumulated quite a few papers in this field. As a result, our firm successfully defined his field as a combination of terahertz and IC design, exploring the application of terahertz with integrated circuit. Accordingly, USCIS approved Mr. Li’s employment-based first preference immigrant visa as a priority worker of extraordinary ability where Mr. Li submitted evidence sufficient to demonstrate that he was among the top researchers in the field who combines the expertise of IC design and terahertz application. Had Mr. Li defined his field more broadly, such as “outstanding researcher in the field of terahertz application, “ his credibility as an expert in both fields would have been diminished.

    B. Take Advantage of your Previous Education Background and Working Experience Most applicants seeking immigration benefits of EB1-A have received their bachelor’s or master’s degrees in their own country. Many of them have substantial working experience. These are essential in defining their endeavors in the applicant’s petition letter. By defining the filed narrowly and specifically, it is more convincing to argue that the applicant is one of few experts in the field and the applicant has risen to the very top of the endeavor.

