September 11, 2006 | In: 范毅禹律师

有关National Interest Waiver申请

By: Beth Robertie, Esq.

如果申请人拥有高等学历学位,其可选择不同的绿卡申请途径。如EB-2 National Interest Waiver的申请可免去劳工认证的步骤。以下我们将为大家介绍有关EB-2 NIW申请的一些要求及信息:

If you are an advanced degree holder and you would like to file for an employment-based green card, you may have several options. Generally speaking applicants with no degree, with a bachelor’s degree, or a master’s degree will have to go through the labor certification process. However, applicants with a doctorate may have other options. Here is a brief summary of what is required in order to file a National Interest Waiver EB-2 petition.

EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) Petitions

NIW petitions do not require the sponsorship of your employer, making them an option for employees of institutes or universities with a policy against “green card” sponsorship, among others. In order to qualify for an NIW, the applicant must be able to establish their exceptional ability as well as their contribution to the national interest. An applicant must establish their exceptional ability through at least three of the following:

1. degree relating to the area of exceptional ability; 2. at least 10 years of full time experience in the field; 3. license to practice the profession; 4. salary or remuneration demonstrating exceptional ability; 5. membership in professional associations; 6. recognition for achievements and significant contributions to the industry or field by peers, government entities, or professional or business organizations; and 7. comparable evidence.

NIW applicants must ADDITIONALLY establish their eligibility for a national interest waiver through the following:

* seeks employment in an area of substantial intrinsic merit; * benefit will be national in scope; and * the national interest would be ad汽B誸W^蹙{禹uI妨暩E?W?籠鳂藀;鲉?+鸳瘑z譵w开t?P厈义ㄉ+? 4翇ǒ{閰@G峔ǖ鹴m爙?鱸犼諄?导LC?瘻孷 #粢j絤?;鑪#

  1. 有关EB-1B petition 的申请
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