To Our Clients and Friends, With the arrival of the holiday season, we at Liu & Associates extend our best wishes to you and your family. Each year that passes seems to have its character. In 2011, as our country continues to climb out of the economic recession, we have been inspired by the work of our clients in the face of such challenges. For example, some of our clients have developed efficient catalysts now used by a leading diesel engine producer, engineered artificial enzymes with greater activity than their natural counterparts, designed cost- and energy-efficient power electronics systems, created new therapeutics and treatments for biomedical diseases, and discovered plant life cycle mechanisms enabling more tolerant crops. These are just some of the many important contributions our clients have made to the scientific, technological, and economic prosperity of our nation. It is widely recognized that foreign-born researchers are common in the U.S. academic and scientific communities. In fact, more than a third of American Nobel Laureates in the sciences in the past 15 years were born outside the United States. Indeed, we are in a knowledge economy, in which skilled workers play a vital role. While recent trends in immigration policy are making it more difficult for foreign-born individuals to work in this country, we have strongly supported and closely worked with talented individuals to gain U.S. permanent residency. As of November, we have had 330 EB-1A, EB-1B, and NIW I-140 cases approved in 2011. Our firm is proud to report a 94% approval rate for EB-1A petitions, 98% approval rate for EB-1B petitions, and 99% approval rate for NIW petitions.

In addition to serving our clients, we are also happy to give back to our community. This year, as part of our pro bono efforts, we are processing petitions for human rights scholars who are persecuted by their governments. We have continued our professional involvement in the American Immigration Lawyers Association, State Bar of Texas, and Boat People SOS to draw attention to immigration issues and also provide assistance to immigrants. Together with your contributions, we are seeking to make the United States a better country. We wish you, and all those whom you love and care for, a very happy holiday season!

Liu & Associates, PLLC

********************************************************************刘宗坤律师(Z. Zac Liu, Esq.),法学博士(J.D., Valparaiso University School of Law)、哲学博士(Ph.D., Peking University),伊利诺伊州最高法院及联邦法院执照,曾担任Valparaiso University Law Review的编辑和审稿人, 著有中英文书籍多种,散见于中美各大学图书馆。执业以来,他已代理无数名来自世界各地的科研人员和专业人士成功获得绿卡及各类非移民签证,尤其在国家利益豁免(NIW)、特殊人才(Eb-1A)、杰出教授和研究员(EB-1B)、PERM 劳工证、H-1B工作签证等方面积累了丰富的经验。有兴趣提出申请的读者,可将简历发往[email protected]。刘律师会在两个工作日内对符合条件的申请做出免费评估。

白凯玲律师 (Kellie Pai, Esq.),法学博士(J.D.,University of Houston Law Center)、文学学士(B.A., University of Texas at Austin),德克萨斯州最高法院执照,联邦法院执照,刘宗坤联合律师事务所合伙人及专业移民律师。

Christina T. Le 律师,法学博士(J.D.,University of Houston Law Center)、文学学士(B.A., Northwestern University),德克萨斯州最高法院执照,联邦法院执照,曾任Department of Justice驻Houston移民法庭Attorney Advisor,现任刘宗坤联合律师事务所合伙人及专业移民律师。

Sabrina Schroeder律师,法学博士 (J.D., Michigan State University College of Law)、文学学士 (B.A., Oklahoma State University),密西根州最高法院执照,曾任Michigan State University Law Review编辑,密西根上诉法院Prehearing Research Attorney,现任刘宗坤律师事务所专业移民律师。

Karen Egonis 律师,法学博士(J.D.,University of Houston Law Center)、文学硕士 (M.A., University of South Carolina)、文学学士(B.A., Texas A&M University),新罕布什尔州最高法院执照,现任刘宗坤联合律师事务所专业移民律师。

Liu & Associates, PLLCWells Fargo Tower, 8th Floor6161 Savoy Drive, Suite 830 Houston, Texas 77036Tel: (800) 878-1807(713) 974-3893 Fax: (866) 608-2766Email: [email protected]:

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