January 15, 2009 | In: 姚新宇律师

姚新宇律师: 美国移民法简介(1): EB-1A

美国移民法规定的职业移民第一类优先类别(EB-1 Priority Workers)分为三类:EB-1A 杰出人才, EB-1B 杰出教授或研究员, 和EB-1C 跨国公司经理。

EB1-A 杰出人才绿卡(Alien of Extraordinary Ability)属于属于移民法规定的“第一优先”移民类别的第一类。指的是在科学,艺术,教育,商业或体育方面具备杰出才能。该才能要在全国以及世界得到认可,并有大量文件记载。申请人必须是本专业领域内的领先人才。杰出人才绿卡申请不需要办理劳工证,也不需要美国雇主支持,可以用自己的名义直接申请移民,申请批准后也无需等待排期。

申请人必须证明在其工作的领域有特殊的成就﹐申请人可以用一项以上的国际性奖章来证明杰出专业能力。如果申请人没有获得国际性的奖项,则必须具有以下10项中的3项以上来证明其特殊才能及贡献: 1、申请人在本专业领域内曾经获得知明度稍低的国际或国内大奖的证明材料;[Documentation of the alien's receipt of lesser nationally or internationally- recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field of endeavor]

2、专业协会会员资格的证明,而该专业协会、组织是由其同领域的国际或国家级专家所认可的; [Documentation of the alien's membership in associations in the field for which classification is sought, which require outstanding achievements of their members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in their disciplines or fields]

3、专业报刊或主要媒体对申请人在本专业领域所取得的成就的报道;[Published material about the alien in professional or major trade publications or other major media, relating to the alien's work in the field for which classification is sought] 4、申请人曾经担任过评审或裁判,评判过专业领域或其它相关领域内他人工作﹔[Evidence of the alien's participation, either individually or on a panel, as a judge of the work of others in the same or an allied field of specification for which classification is sought]

5、申请人在本专业领域学术研究或艺术上作出重大贡献的证明材料; [Evidence of the alien's original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic or business-related contributions of major significance in the field]

6、申请人在所属领域内专业刊物或其它学术刊物上发表过专业学术论文的证明; [Evidence of the alien's authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in professional or major trade publications or other major media]

7、申请人在的艺术展览会上展示作品的证明; [Evidence of the display of the alien's work in the field at artistic exhibitions or showcases]

8、在知名组织或机构中担任主要领导或重要职务的证明; [Evidence that the alien has performed in a leading or critical role for organizations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation]

9、与同行相比获得高薪或比同行获得更高酬劳的证明材料; [Evidence that the alien has commanded a high salary or other significantly high remuneration for services, in relation to others in the field]

10、在艺术表演中获得商业成功的证明材料,如电影票房记录,磁带、磁盘、录像带或影碟的销售记录等。[Evidence of commercial successes in the performing arts, as shown by box office receipts or record, cassette, compact disk, or video sales]


我们事务所多年来,除了大量为教授、博士后、工程师等科研人员办理杰出人才移民申请外, 还为其他杰出艺术家和运动员等成功办理过此类申请,包括:画家、书法家、舞蹈家,指挥家,歌唱家,运动员、教练员,影视演员,导演,武术演员和杂技演员等。



Law Offices of David Yao500 E. Calaveras Blvd, Suite 201Milpitas, CA 95035www.dyaolaw.comEmail: [email protected]

  1. 梁勇律师专栏:申请EB-1A/B及NIW的相关细节(之二)
  2. 姚新宇律师: 美国移民法简介(2): EB-1B
  3. 有关EB-1A Extraordinary Ability Petitions申请
  4. EB2排期持续缓进,如何运用联邦法庭判决支持EB1A申请
  5. 博士生,博士后不用H1B到私营公司工作的途径

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