56,000 hiding over visa breaches


The Daily Telegraph

美国人也到海外打黑工 澳大利亚移民局通缉五千美国人

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen.

ALMOST 56,000 people are hiding in Australia unlawfully and the federal government cannot find them.


The number of visa overstayers – who entered the country legally and then failed to leave – has jumped by about 10,000 in the past five years, Immigration Department figures show.

       联邦移民部周二公布的数据显示,在过去5年里,逾期滞留者(visa overstayers)——合法进入澳洲但未在签证失效前离境的人——跃增了约1万人。

A breakdown of the numbers by country reveals authorities are seeking 7590 Chinese, 5050 Americans, 4020 Malaysians and 3470 British.


Thousands of others including Indians (2720), Koreans (2610), Indonesians (2540), Filipinos (2490), Vietnamese (1620), Thais (1700), Germans (1390), Japanese (1290), French (1180), Irish (1170) and Fijians (1000) are also at large.


A handful of the illegals are from the Vatican City in Rome and some are from the Palestinian Authority, while 210 are Israelis, as well as overstayers from other countries


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Unlawful Non-citizens

The data was released as Immigration Minister Chris Bowen announced a crackdown on employers who hire illegal workers.

联邦移民部长宝文(Chris Bowen)此前刚刚宣布了一个针对雇佣非法劳工的打击行动。

    Immigration officials calculate overstayer numbers twice a year, in June and December, but the figures do not show how long they have been in the country unlawfully.


An Immigration spokesman said the "vast majority" of overstayers remained for a short period, usually less than six months, before leaving voluntarily."We have an active compliance program to which overstayers become subject to and, when located, they are subsequently detained and removed," he said.


An independent review by legal expert Stephen Howells found more than 100,000 people could be working illegally.

法律专家霍维尔(Stephen Howells)的一份独立审查发现,澳洲可能有逾10万非法劳工。

    Mr Bowen said the problem was associated with other illegal activity including serious organised crime, welfare fraud, sexual exploitation and abuse of vulnerable workers.


Asylum seeker numbers in Australia have reached 6900.


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