Flokforever编译: 一位名叫邓雨棚(音译)的51岁中国男子因创建假冒美军部队于周二被捕。这名男子以获取美国国籍等移民好处为诱饵,欺诈他人加入。



他称他的假部队为特种预备队(U.S. Army/Military Special Forces Reserve unit),简称MSFR,还给自己起了一个“最高司令”的称号。 除此之外,邓姓男子还敦促“新兵”支付更多费用换取高级军衔,并提供假文件和假身份证给他们。

据悉, 他将以盗窃,欺骗和伪造政府文件与正式的官方印章被控罪。如果被定罪,将面临长达八年徒刑。法庭定于周三对案件开展传讯,并将保释金额设为50万美元。



A foreign national has to first become a US citizen before they can join the US military. Picture; Wu Xin, originally from Guilin in China’s Guanxi province, pledges the Oath of Allegiance to become a US navy soldier on USS Ronald Reagan in 2008. (File Photo/CNS)

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A Chinese man was arrested on Tuesday for creating a fake U.S. Army unit and selling immigrants on the idea that joining the squad was a path to citizenship, authorities said.

Yupeng Deng, 51, allegedly gave his "recruits" military uniforms, had them parade in a Los Angeles suburb and took them to the decommissioned USS Midway aircraft carrier, which is a museum in San Diego.

Deng charged more than 100 fellow Chinese nationals a fee of between $300 and $450 to join the fake Army unit, according to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.

He called his bogus squad the U.S. Army/Military Special Forces Reserve unit, or MSFR for short, and he gave himself the lofty title of "supreme commander," prosecutors said.

Aside from telling recruits that belonging to the unit was a path to U.S. citizenship, Deng also urged them to pay him cash for higher military rank, according to prosecutors.

He also allegedly provided them with fake documents and phony military identification cards.

Deng, a resident of the Los Angeles suburb of El Monte, was arrested on Tuesday by sheriff’s deputies.

He was charged with theft by false pretenses, manufacturing deceptive government documents and counterfeit of an official government seal.

Deng faces up to eight years in prison if convicted. He is scheduled to be arraigned on Wednesday, and is being held on $500,000 bail.

Jane Robison, a spokeswoman for the District Attorney’s Office, declined to comment on how Deng was caught.

"All the details and evidence will come out in a preliminary hearing," she said.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Peter Bohan)

邦调查局和国防部联手数月秘密调查华裔美国志愿后备军组织行动12日清晨收网,艾尔蒙地一名华裔美国志愿后备军组织「最高司令」(Supreme Commander)被捕,保释金50万元,定13日在波莫那高等法院过堂。相关调查行动仍在继续中。

联调局当天清晨7时许展开逮捕行动。被捕的邓玉鹏(Yupeng Deng)51岁,艾尔蒙地居民,其「统帅」的「华裔美军后备役特别行动组织」(U.S Army Special Forces Reserve Unit)位于天普市罗斯密大道的办公室也被查封。


洛杉矶地检署检察官Carmen Williams表示,邓玉鹏共被控13项重罪,保释金50万元,如罪名成立,至少可入州狱八年。

起诉书指出,邓玉鹏被控13项罪名,包括利用虚假名义非法敛财、非法製造文件、非法製造印章等13项重罪,所有罪行都发生在2008 年10月至2009年4月中旬。起诉书说,邓玉鹏利用自己封的「最高司令」名义,收取高额入会费和会员置装费,并收受会员「进贡」的财物。








