近来在种族问题上频频引人关注的加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)在刚刚过去的周末又起风波,化学系教授克利福德·库比亚克(Clifford Kubiak)的实验室网站上被人发现一个守则,该守则中有针对华裔的种族歧视称谓“Chinaman”。守则原文如下:

华人怒了 UCSD又起种族风波

UCSD(圣地亚哥加州大学)的化学系教授 Clifford Kubiak 实验室的网页惊现歧视华人的文字

Lab Rules:


1. Don’t be that guy.

2. If you can’t turn on the instrument, you shouldn’t use it.

3. Don’t believe anything the Chinaman says. (Demoted from rules 1 & 2)

4. No ammount of time is acceptable for food-floor interaction, accept it, it’s gone.

5. If you start a phosphine fire – don’t panic. Well, maybe a little.

五月二十一日星期六下午,该守则被人以“怒了,UCSD化学教授公开歧视华裔”为题转贴到在北美华人中知名度很高的未名空间网站,引起各地华人愤慨。当天就有人给 UCSD 有关方面发信抗议。

为校园种族问题绷紧神经的 UCSD 校方反应很快,星期天就关闭了有关网站,化学系系主任罗伯特·康缇奈蒂(Robert E. Continetti)在给发信举报人的回信中道歉,并承诺要调查此事。

星期一,此事在未名空间网站上继续发酵,引发大量讨论,很多讨论贴都被该站站务首页置顶。当天,UCSD 理学部网站首页头条位置全文刊登了由该校学术事务执行副校长苏雷什·苏布拉曼尼(Suresh Subramani)和理学部院长马克·蒂门斯(Mark Thiemens)署名的,代表加州大学校长马克·尤多夫(Mark Yudof)和 UCSD 分校校长玛丽·安妮·福克斯(Marye Anne Fox)的公开道歉信,化学系网站也在首页显著位置套红标题链接了这一道歉信。本地英文主流媒体《圣地亚哥联合论坛报》(《San Diego Union Tribune》)也以“UCSD关闭涉侮辱网站”为题报道了这一事件。UCSD 的道歉信全文如下:

An apology for insensitive comments on Professor Kubiak’s research lab website

On behalf of President Mark Yudof, Chancellor Marye Anne Fox, and the UC San Diego community we are truly disappointed by the insensitive and offensive language that appeared on the website of Professor Clifford Kubiak.

This language does not conform to our commitment to the UCSD Principles of Community. We have communicated today with Professor Kubiak who has ensured that the offending language has been removed and he will provide a formal, written apology. This apology will be posted on Professor Kubiak’s website. Further, we have asked the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) to review the matter. Please accept our sincere apologies on behalf of the University.

Suresh SubramaniExecutive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Mark ThiemensDean, Division of Physical Sciences


Please accept my personal and sincere apologies for the insensitive language recently found on my laboratory’s website. I find the language offensive and I am embarrassed by the poor judgment exhibited in posting the offending language. Although I was unaware of the existence of this page until it was brought to my attention, I accept full responsibility. I have taken steps to remove the offending language and will arrange for appropriate training for my research group and me relative to the UCSD Principles of Community.

Clifford KubiakProfessor,Chemistry & Biochemistry

在去年年初时,UCSD 也发生一系列种族歧视风波,先是有些学生举办了一个羞辱黑人的派对,后来有学生在主图书馆的一个书架上悬挂索套(noose)。事件引发悍然大波,黑人学生联合会举行了大规模的抗议,高潮时抗议学生甚至占领了校长办公室达5小时。事件扰攘数月方熄,期间主流媒体充满有关报道和讨论,最后悬挂索套的学生被停学处理(suspended)。UCSD 是加州大学系统里黑人学生比例最小的分校,仅占1.3%,亚裔学生约占45.2%。(圣地亚哥华文网 SanDiegoChinesePress.com)

华人怒了 UCSD又起种族风波
华人怒了 UCSD又起种族风波
