The L-1 visa was established so multinational companies could easily transfer their locally based personnel to their American offices. For workers with long-term placements in the United States, use of an L-1 visa can provide multi-year lengths of stay that are unobtainable through a typically business visa. The principal requirement for such a visa is that the employee to be transferred is an executive, manager, or worker with ‘specialized knowledge’ in the company. In addition, the worker must have worked for the company for at least one of the last three years. If obtained, the L-1 visa can provide up to 5 or 7 years of residence in the United States.


However, the key factor in obtaining an L-1 visa is that the American employer be a legally distinct American entity that is associated with the multinational. This means that the worker on an L-1 visa must be formally employed by an American entity, not merely a representative office of the multinational. Moreover, the American entity must have actual business operations in the United States, and must have the financial wherewithal to support a reasonable salary for the L-1 employee.


For multinationals that have established operations in the United States, the requirements of the L-1 visa can be met through simple corporate reorganization. However, even companies with only exploratory plans in the United States may be able to take advantage of the L-1 visa. New American entities, so long as their sole purpose is not simply to petition for visas, can support the requirements of an L-1 visa. New companies face stricter evidentiary requirements than older companies, but they can be used to grant year-long visas to their foreign employees. 对于那些在美国设立业务的跨国公司,简单的一次企业重组就可以得到L1签证的要求。不过,甚至在美国只有探索计划的公司也可能能够利用L1签证的优势。新的美国法律实体,只要其不是单纯为签证而设而是有真正的业务,便可以支持L1签证的申请要求。新公司面对比旧公司更严格的证据要求,但是它们可以被用来授予为期一年的签证的外国雇员。

Thus, a company with exploratory operations in the United States can establish an American entity to employ and compensate its workers domestically. This saves the trouble of rolling business visas and establishes a strong foundation for business outreach efforts.


Unlike many countries, establishing a corporation or other business entity in the United States remarkably simple. In most cases, formation is a simple matter of filing a form, establishing a personal representative, and paying a nominal fee. To sponsor an L-1 visa, the entity must have actual business operations in the United States, but certain corporate outreach activities are an acceptable business category. In addition, the sponsoring business should have a physical office location and sufficient capital to support the reasonable salaries of its employees. After one year, U.S. immigration officials will check the financial status of the entity and review the entity’s business operations. If, after that year, the multinational has decided that their American operation has not succeeded, the business can be wound up and employees brought home. If operations are successful and moving forward (even if not showing a profit), immigration officials should support a two year extension of any L-1 visas involved.

与许多国家不同,在美国建立公司或其他商业实体非常简单。在大多数情况下,建立公司是一个简单的步骤,只要填好申请表格,指定一个当地代表人员,并支付象征性费用。倡议L1签证的实体必须在美国有实际业务,但是企业的某些宣传活动算是可以接受的业务类别。此外,主办企业应该有一个实际的办公室位置和足够的资金来支持其雇员合理的工资。一年后,美国移民官员将检查该实体的财务状况和审查实体的经营活动。如果一年后,跨国公司已决定他们在美国的运作并没有成功,企业可以结束,员工可以回国。如果操作成功,向前迈进(即使不呈现出利润),移民官员应该支持公司的任何L – 1的签证延期两年。

The use of the L-1 visa can be complex, and should not be attempted without the services of a lawyer. Once the niceties of establishing a U.S. company are overcome, the L-1 visa offers remarkable flexibility for employees with long-term assignments in America that cannot be obtained through a B-1 visa.


David G. Wallace, Esq.


Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP


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