By: Beth Robertie, Esq.

最近在USCIS的会议内容中了解到,今年USCIS可能不会像去年一样对于部分F1或J1的持有者实施H1B Cap-Gap Relief的政策。请看以下有关消息:

Based on conversations with the USCIS at a recent conference, it is unlikely that students facing the expiration of their F1 or J1 status will be issued “cap gap” relief to help them transition into their H1B status, as they have in the past. Although a memo on the matter has yet to be issued, all indications are that such relief will be unavailable this year. In past years, J1 and F1 students whose status expired sometime during the summer were allowed to stay in the United States pending the beginning of their H1B status on October 1. The cap-gap relief provided a bridge between the end of student status and the start of H1B status. Although beneficiaries were not permitted to work without authorization d寄信人: walklooktalk (千红一窟)标 题: 本站增加虚拟币等功能发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 23 06:11:24 2006)来 源: 69.25.



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