
美国移民局在其2011 年1月19日公布的H1B新申请表格中增加了新要求。该表要求所有用 I-129表格为外国人士申请工作签证的美国雇主填写新增加的第6项。


Part 6- “Certification Regarding the Release of Controlled Technology or Technical Data to Foreign Persons in the United States”:

其涉及的高科技领域和技术信息具有非常复杂的规定,并非移民法规范围。所以,美国雇主必须聘请高科技技术信息保护领域专也人员和律师对该公司的业务范围作出分析。如果属于“Controlled Technology or Technical Data to Foreign Persons in the United States”,则需要为每个申请工作签证的外国人向美国有关机构申请 “license”。

“Controlled Technology or Technical Data” 主要范围包括:

PharmaceuticalsNanotechnologyQuantum ComputingAdvanced MaterialsCommunications and Encryption TechnologyWeapons Systems yet unclassifiedBiotechnology

另外,对外国人也有国籍的区别。对于中国大陆出生的外国人 【包括已经获得其他国家国籍的中国大陆出生的外国人】,高科技技术信息保护的范围相当广泛。

“Foreign Persons in the United States” 的定义主要指没有获得美国绿卡或者公民的外国人。

移民局指出,这项新要求在 2011年2月20日开始实施。 所有美国雇主在申请H1B 以及其他需要填写 I-129表格的工作签证时,必须回答该表第6项。

如此可见,今年4月1日开始提交的2012年H1B将必须符新规定的要求。目前,我们还不得而知此项新规定将对新H1B 申请的影响。

但是可以预见的是,外国博士生,博士后尽早申请美国绿卡将更为迫切。因为有了美国绿卡后,将不再受到“Controlled Technology or Technical Data to Foreign Persons in the United States” 规定限制,因此美国雇主将可以避免许多高科技保护方面的责任和顾虑而聘用有绿卡的高科技人才。

外国博士生,博士后申请绿卡的主要途径是通过职业移民自我申请方式,包括EB1A和EB2NIW. 也可以通过职业移民第5优先,投资移民的方式。

我们已经发表了大量文章分析如何通过EB1A和 EB5帮助中国大陆出生的博士生,博士后,在短期内获得美国绿卡。

本文重点分析一个EB2NIW的成功案例。因为尽早递交 EB2NIW也是早日获得美国绿卡的途径之一。 We Helped a Postdoctoral Researcher Get Green Card in about 4 months!

Recently, our law firm helped a postdoctoral researcher get his green card in 4 months by filing EB2NIW. The client’s applications were filed to the CIS Texas Service Center. The client received the CIS approval notices for both I-140 and I-485 in only 4 months. [There was no visa backlog for this client.]

This is not a very strong EB2NIW application. The postdoctoral researcher has 8 published papers and 19 citations only. He had 3 submitted papers at the time of his EB2NIW filing.

In order to help this client prepare a good application, we emphasized on our client’s novel research discoveries in the leading edge research in the areas of microelectronics, nanotechnology, and materials characterization research. Based on client’s advanced degree (Ph.D. and M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering), original research achievements and significant contributions to the field, we presented strong legal arguments that his research has a direct link and practical significance to the US national interest in enhancing drug delivery efficacy. We also argued that the client’s research expertise has played a crucial, significant role in leading edge research projects supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and National Academy of Science (NAS). The client published only 8 scientific papers in peer-reviewed professional journals, which have been cited by other scientists 19 times. To make his EB2NIW case stronger, we also employed our successful evidence preparation method to document alternative supporting evidence to support the EB2NIW application. Additionally, we have carefully prepared well-drafted seven (7) expert opinion letters in the field of the client’s research, and documented evidences of journal publications, citations of his papers, and peer-reviewer services.After our meticulous preparation of this EB2NIW documents, we filed his applications to CIS Texas Service Center (TSC). In order to help our client get the green card faster, we also concurrently filed the I-485 et al applications. Although the client had a very few publications only with a limited number of citations, his EB2NIW and I-485 et al. applications were approved by the CIS in four-and-a-half months without a Request for Evidence (RFE). This demonstrated that this case was well-prepared and well-organized before filing, which is very important for successful case results.

The CIS recently announced that all H-1B visa numbers issued through its quota system for the year 2011 were used up. Thus, international students and scholars who need H-1B to work in the U.S. must wait until October 1, 2011 to start their H-1B employment.

The only way of avoiding this visa gap problem is to get your green card early. Therefore, it has become more important for all international scholars/students to obtain a U.S. green card as early as possible.

We hope that this newsletter provides you useful information to help your green card application. If you are interested in finding out whether you are qualified to apply for a self-petitioned immigration visa application, we can help you with a complimentary evaluation.

For more information, you can visit our website at www.sunlawfirm.us

For a free initial evaluation, please e-mail your updated resume, including a number of citations of your papers and conference publications, and contact information to [email protected]. Subject: Green Card Application.

Disclaimer: The above newsletter information is general information. They are NOT legal consultations for any specific cases or legal issues.

我们向读者提供首次免费评估。有兴趣申请EB1a及EB2NIW的读者可以将个人履历包括获奖情况,引用文次, 有无媒体报道等Email 到: [email protected]. Or [email protected], or [email protected], Subject: Green Card Application


联系人信息:Alice H. Sun (Member of American Immigration Lawyers Association) Law Office of Sun Associated with Shaub & Williams 12121 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tel: (310) 481-6118 Fax: (310) [email protected] or [email protected]http://www.sunlawfirm.us.


以上为撰稿人对美国移民法的个人理解和解释,不是对个案的法律咨询,也不可以作为 法律依据

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