November 18, 2009 | In: 范毅禹律师

范律师专栏: 最近批准的EB-1和NIW案件



Ph.D. Computational and Molecular Biology. Develop and implement computational tools for proteomics mass spectrometry data analysis. 19 publications. 150 citations. 17 reviewer requests. 6 recommendation letters. Filed 10/08. Approved 8/09. Texas.Ph.D. Visual Information Processing. 7 publications. 16 citations. 2 reviewer requests. Filed 9/09. Approved 10/09. Texas.Ph.D. Electrical Engineering. 1 book chapter. 10 publications. 12 reviewer requests. 21 citations. Filed 4/09. Approved 8/09. Nebraska.Ph.D. Physiology. 15 publications. 7 book chapters. 9 patents filed. 6 reviewer requests. Filed 7/09. Approved 9/09. Texas.Ph.D. Soil Physics. Support EPA to develop dissolve cooper, zinc, lead and cadmium TMDL. Evaluate remedial effectiveness scenarios of various mining reclamation activities for TMDL implementation. 5 publications. 1 reviewer request. 7 presentations. Filed 3/09. Approved 9/09. Nebraska.Ph.D. Biochemistry. Purification, cloning and characterization of new members of Fanconi anemia core complex and Bloom syndrome complex. 9 publications. 134 citations. 3 reviewer requests. Filed 7/09. Approved 9/09. Texas.Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering.Thermal-hydraulic for Nuclear Steam Supply System of Pressurized Water Reactor Power Plant. 4 publications. 2 reviewer requests. Filed 9/09. Approved 10/09. Texas.


Ph.D. Atmospheric Science. 3 publications. 6 citations. 4 recommendation letters. Filed 11/2008. Approved 10/09. Nebraska.Ph.D. Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 4 publications dated back 2007. 6 recommendation letters. Filed 7/09. Approved 10/09. Texas.Ph.D. Atmorspheric and Ocean Science. 7 publications. 5 recommendation letters. Filed 9/08. Approved 8/09. Nebraska.MD. Ph.D. Health Science. 2 publications dated back 2007. 10 citations. 6 recommendation letters. Filed 9/08. Approved 8/09. Nebraska.Ph.D. Biological Engineering. 4 publications. 7 citations. Characterization of human breast cancer stem cells. Examine the function and regulation CD 44 of human breast cancer cells. Develop a defined xenograph model of human breast cancer in rodent. 5 recommendation letters. Filed 9/09. Approved 11/09. Texas.Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics. 6 publications. 3 citations. Glassy behaviors observed from the window glasses, the polymers, the protein systems, to the systems, to the chemical medicine. Filed 8/09. Approved 11/09. Texas.MD. from Spain. physician intern. 1 publication. 3 abstracts. no citation. Filed 3/09. Approved. 11/09. Nebraska.Ph. D. Inorganic Chemistry. Evaluate the novel functional materials for the specific effects in plastic substrate. 8 publications. Dated back 2007. 11 citations. Filed 4/09. Approved 11/09. Nebraska.Ph.D. Experimental Condensed Matter Physics.Investigate hot phonon effect in GaN-based Heterostructures and devices such as high electron mobility transistor using the technique of Raman scattering and Pump-probe Spectroscopy. 6 publications. 9 citations. Filed 11/08. Approved 10/09. Texas.Ph.D. Medicinal Chemistry. 4 publications. Dated back 2006. 2 citations. Filed 2/09. Approved 9/09. Nebraska.Ph.D. Chemistry and Biochemistry. To discover new protein-complexes related to human chromatin-remodeling. 2 publications. no citation. Filed 10/08. Approved 10/09. Nebraska. 


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